Hands with weddings rings


Never Work With Children Or Animals …

It is thought the 1940’s Hollywood actor and comedian W.C. Fields coined the phrase, never work with children or animals.  Children and animals can be unpredictable, they certainly have the ability to steal scenes and upstage an adult.  That is exactly what I love about them!  I will often advise my clients that should they…

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A Sixpence In Her Shoe

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. This old English rhyme, has been followed by many brides over the years. It is said to ensure she has all she needs on her wedding day to bring her good luck.  It is a lovely tradition.  There is no exact explanation behind the wording. However a…

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The Joy Of Being A Celebrant

I love being a celebrant.  I love the privilege of being part of a couples special celebration. I love the variety of locations couples choose to hold their ceremonies.  Just in the last year alone, I’ve held ceremonies by a lakeside, up a fell, in a boathouse, in a barn, and even in a castle. …

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New life, new hope, a time to celebrate

There is something so very special when a new born is welcomed into a family.   Like a pebble dropped into a pool, the ripples of good wishes extend ever outwards.  For the new parents, transfixed by the loving bundle they have brought into the world, full of love and pride.  Grandparents, who are instantly…

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The Tide Is Turning

Thankfully the tide is turning.  Nights are getting lighter.  I always have a sense of hope as the evenings begin to stretch out.  The scientists are saying we are entering the beginning of the end.  While COVID may never be completely behind us.  It may be we have to live with it.  If we are…

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Christmas Day Weddings

Christmas is often a time for proposals, couples getting engaged and planning for their future wedding.  The run up to December 25th is a wonderful opportunity for festive weddings.  However, getting married on the day itself is not so popular anymore.  Despite it having an obvious romantic appeal, cost is unfortunately a major deciding factor; like…

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Boots and Brollies

The joy of being a Celebrant is that each and every wedding celebration is distinct and individual in every way. The adventure of being a Celebrant in the Lakes has its very own brand of uniqueness. The weather!  There is an adage attributed to Sir Ranulph Fiennes, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just…

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What a swell party it was!

Eighteen months ago, we were planning a life celebration for a nonagenarian – an elegant lady of ninety years young.  Then COVID changed the world and the celebration was postponed, and postponed, and postponed.  That was until this weekend. Thankfully we were all able to come together to celebrate.  And what a swell party it…

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Confetti and Bubbles

At a wedding I attended in July, the couple did not want confetti at the end of their ceremony but had bubble machines at work instead.  It was lovely. It was fun. And it suited the couple so well. Capturing the moment beautifully, the photographs looked splendid.  I must admit, at first I hadn’t been…

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Wedding Season Is Back!

I attended a most beautiful wedding this week.  The couple were able to have their ceremony just as they had dreamed it would be, it was truly wonderful.  Throughout the multitude of arrangements and decisions they had to make; catering, music, decoration etc, they had not forgotten the true sense of why they were having…

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